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Public lobbies are hosted every Sunday 12:00apm - 1:00am Eastern Standard, to join a public lobby, look for the title "FM4 Cruise Club" in the "user created races" area.
If you are interested in becoming an Event Coordinator please follow the steps bellow.
Step 1: Read the responsibilities of the ECs
| Responsibilities | - Create Cruises and Events - Host Cruises and Events - Report any misbehavior
Step 2: Apply for the position To apply, please copy and paste the following form and send it to me in a Private Message.
[b]Gamertag:[/b] [ANSWER HERE] [b]Timezone:[/b] [ANSWER HERE] [b]Do you have any experience with forums?:[/b] [ANSWER HERE] [b]How often are you able to host/create cruises?:[/b] [ANSWER HERE] [b]Why do you think you are fit for the position?:[/b] [ANSWER HERE]
Step 3: Wait for a reply from me. Step 4: You will become a trial Event Coordinator for 2 weeks before you are a permanent EC.